Procurement and Contract Management > Learner Resources

his intermediate level course introduces learners to the practices and processes required to effectively undertake the contract administration or management function in a Local Government context.

This course will cover the development of a contract management plan and its key inclusions. These include the preparation of a risk management matrix, risk review schedule, RACI matrix, and a detailed schedule of meetings and reporting requirements derived from the scope of the RFx. Other contract changes that may occur during the contract term are also covered, such as dispute resolution, requests for variation or novation.
Critically, the skills and knowledge provided in this unit need to be applied within the Local Government legislative, regulatory and policy environment in which they are carried out. It’s essential therefore, that you consult with your Local Government’s respective policies in conjunction with the learning material provided.

Western Australia's Local Governments spend approximately $4 billion worth of goods and services each year. It is important that they receive and deliver best value to the community. As the custodians of ratepayer funds, the need for transparency at all stages of the procurement process is essential.

WALGA is committed to assisting Members to achieve best practice in all aspects of procurement, including building procurement capacity. It is vital for Members to have a thorough understanding of procurement in Local Government in order to meet Local Governments’ obligations under the Local Government Act, whilst serving its ratepayers.

This introductory course is designed to assist officers to address issues and raise the bar in improving all aspects of their procurement and contract management performance.

Procurement & Contract Essentials tailors modern leading contract management practice, specifically for contract managers in the Western Australian Local Government context.

This practical training is designed for all those in Local Government who have contract management responsibilities, and would like to improve their understanding and practice. Topics covered include an introduction to contracts, your roles and responsibilities, types of legislation and procurement processes.